My Media!

We were learning about what media is and what it means.

Media means that you are communicating with someone in realty  or  on the internet.

The blue and purple boxes are what media we created and used in the past weeks.

The thing that was challenging was to understand what the pictures meant.

What media have you used these past weeks?


I learnt how to embed my work into a post.

The thing that was challenging was to get my art ready.

Have you ever done Maori art?



My learning reflection:


  • I have been learning about how to do a google draw
  • This is my monkey saying hi to a puffer fish.
  • I am sharing it to  get feedback from others 
  • I created it using google drawing
  • I am proud of my work because I did a very good job and I am very happy about it
  • Something I found quite challenging about this was to make the eyes
  • Something I learned was how to put the legs and arms behind the shapes
  • My tips about my picture is if you want to put the legs or arms behind the shape double click the shape and there will be a button that you press
  • A question I have about google drawing is how to use Polly lines

The Olympics.

We are learning about the Olympics and we are using key words  from the text.

The thing that was challenging was to find the keywords in the video.

Have you ever been in the Olympics?

The best holiday.

The thing that was challenging was to find the right emoji´s

 What are your favourite emoji´s?